Those who have attended our 10-week Tamarkoz class at UC Berkeley have said the following about their experience with Tamarkoz:

Tamarkoz has allowed me to take my concentration to a new level by adding balance and by redirecting my focus towards my body’s natural energy sources.

Adam G

Tamarkoz has been a life-changing experience for me. Not only has it provided me with new perspectives regarding life and knowledge, it has also shown me the path to reaching self-cognition. It is this tangible path and Tamarkoz's ability to help one tackle the source of all unknowns –the self –that makes me appreciate this class.

Bonnie H

Meditation through the principles of Tamarkoz and Sufism has allowed for me to reach the greatest sense of unity and peace within my life. I feel as though I am a significantly more balanced person and, in numerous ways, have been able to come to peace with myself.

William B

This Tamarkoz class was honestly life-changing. Having battled immense anxiety since coming to college, I was looking for any strategy I could find to finally gain some relief. Tamarkoz meditation served as kind of a spark that led to a significant decrease in my anxiety and an increase in my quality of life.

Jeremy L

"Surge like an ocean. Don't scatter yourself like a storm."

13th Century Poet